The Spiritual Conflict PT9

Oct 2, 2024    Pastor Tim Oldfield

"Praying Always with All Prayer"

Ephesians 6:18

Ephesians 6:18, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—


Throughout our study, we have learned that God has equipped us defensively, so that we are protected in all our lives! We also learned that we have been given a mighty weapon for offensive use...the Word of God.

            Now we’ll discover an additional offensive weapon...prayer. Our prayers serve 

            as long-range missiles that bring great damage to the kingdom of darkness.


   A.   Prayer.

1.  The Gospels. Fifty-one times in the Gospels, Jesus spoke about prayer. 

     However, most of what Jesus said about prayer is recorded by Luke. 

                        a.  Notice how Christ is pictured in the Gospels:  

                                    1)  Matthew - "King of Kings" (2 References to prayer)

                                    2)  Mark - "Servant” (3 References to prayer)

                                    3)  Luke - "Son of Man" (All Others)

                                    4)  John - "Son of God” (High Priestly Prayer). 

b.  Luke speaks of Christ's humanness...showing us that in our    

      humanness, we must pray.

            2.  The Greatness. Consider this…John 5:19...  Because Jesus made this 

                  statement, how much more do we need to pray!

                        a.  He modeled prayer for us. Luke 22:39-46 

                        b.  He is the motive of our prayer. 

   B.   Prayer…Believing.

            1.  Believe. Mark 11:24. “To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God

                 uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as

     a noticeable characteristic of our lives." 

    (Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline)


   A.   The Persistence of the Warrior's Prayer.  (Praying always…)

            1.   Always. Paul takes a comprehensive view of the ministry of prayer. 

      (I Thessalonians 5:17) You must constantly be in an attitude of prayer, 

      because as a soldier, you are in constant danger.

                        a.  Persistence. Luke 11:1-8  

   B.   The Possibilities of the Warrior's Prayer. (…with all prayer…)

            1.  With all prayer.  We can pray anywhere...anytime...for all things! 

     (In Scripture…prayer happened…Temple, in house, on the house, mountain, 

     valley, desert, under tree, on a rock, on a boat, in a pit, in a palace, in a cave…)

   C.   The Petition of the Warrior's Prayer. (…and supplication…)

            1.   Supplication. [to ask] James 4:2

                        a.  Pray. Matthew 7:7-11

            1)  Petition. [Ask = to ask, crave, desire, require]

                        a)  Effective Asking.

                                    (1)  Ask In Faith. Matthew 21:22  

                                    (2)  Abide In Relationship With Christ. John 15:7  

                                                            (3)  Ask With Right Motive. James 4:2-4  

                                    (4)  Ask According To His Will. I John 5:14-15

                                    2)  Devotion. [Seek = to seek after, worship]

                                                a)  Seeking Him. Deuteronomy 4:29  

                                    3)  Intercession. [Knock = to rap]  You knock on a Door.

                        a)  Knocking…On The Door. The Door is used 

     metaphorically as an entrance into any spiritual

     experience or opportunity.

                        1)  The Door is Jesus. John 10:9  

2)  The Door is Opportunity. Revelation 3:20

     II Corinthians 2:12-13, Revelation 3:8…Doors to

     nations and ethnic groups can be opened. 

     Acts 14:27

                                    (a)  Only Christ can open the door. 

                    II Corinthians 2:12

                                                                        b)  How do you walk through? 

     Colossians 4:3-4  

   D.   The Power of the Warrior's Prayer. (…in the Spirit…)

            1.   In the Spirit. 

                        a.  Power. The power of your prayer is the power of the Holy Spirit who

     lives in you. (Romans 8:26-27)

b.  Powerful Prayer. Fervent Prayer. James 5:16 

     [effectual fervent = to be active, fervent. righteous = Innocent, holy,

     righteous. Avails = to have force. (power, strength, energy, might)]

                        c.  Prayer Force. God is looking for “prayer force.”  Ezekiel 9:3-4...

                                    1) Old Testament Intercession. The word meaning intercession in

                                         the Old Testament is the Hebrew word “Paga.” [to impinge (to

                                         encroach, invade, disturb, strike), by violence or importunity, 

to come between, entreat (plead, beg, crave, Implore, 

     petition), make intercession, meet together, pray, reach]

                                     2)  New Testament Intercession. [entugchano= to confer with;

                                          deal with, make intercession]

                                                a) “en.”  [denoting (fixed) position (in place, time, or state),

                                                          and (by impl.) instrumentality, give self wholly to] 

                                                b) “tugchano,” [to make ready or bring to pass through

                                                         the idea of effecting; to affect; to hit or light upon (as a

                                                          mark to be reached), to secure an object or end]

(1)   Forceful Prayer. Matthew 11:12, 

      Genesis 22:17 [possess = to occupy by driving

      out the former tenant and possessing in their

      place, to seize, consume, dispossess, to ENJOY]

   E.   The Precision of the Warrior's Prayer. (…being watchful to this end…)

            1.  Watchful… to this end. 

                        a.  The warrior must be watchful in his prayer life. Mark 13:33,

     Mark 14:38, Nehemiah 4:9 

            2.   Watch. [to be awake] (It was a word used by the military to warn

                  sentries of their duty. They were to stay awake when watching the gate, to

                  make sure the enemy didn't sneak in and attack them. (Colossians 4:2)

   F.   The Perseverance of the Warrior's Prayer. (…with all perseverance/supplication…)

            1.   With all perseverance. Continue praying! 

      (Romans 12:12...continuing instant in prayer)

                        a.  Continuing. [to persevere, be diligent, wait on continually]

                        b.  Instant. [Same Word]

   G.   The Purpose of the Warrior's Prayer. (…for all the saints-(v19) and for me…)

            1.   For all saints...and for me. We are not going into battle alone, but as part of

                   God's army, and we are to uphold one another in prayer!


                  In light of the spiritual war that is raging today, prayer is essential.