Using Creativity for Christ!
Pike Production has a role in every aspect of Princeton Pike on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Ever watched livestream? It was made possible by someone like you! You can be a part of this ministry through cameras, lighting, livestream, photography, ProPresenter, sound, and much more.
No matter if you’re a pro or just open to learning something new, we’d love to have you!
Ever watched livestream? It was made possible by someone like you! You can be a part of this ministry through cameras, lighting, livestream, photography, ProPresenter, sound, and much more.
No matter if you’re a pro or just open to learning something new, we’d love to have you!

Made To Worship
Worship is so much more than simply singing on stage on a Sunday morning or playing in the Worship Band. Worship, at its heart, is to love God, love people, and live that out in our lifestyle. Worship is what we live and breathe every day -- not only on Sundays and not just on stage.
God desires worship that comes from a place of truth and from the deepest part of who we are. If you desire this kind of worship, too, consider joining Pike Worship and serving in Pike Singers, the Worship Band, Frontline, or an ensemble.
God desires worship that comes from a place of truth and from the deepest part of who we are. If you desire this kind of worship, too, consider joining Pike Worship and serving in Pike Singers, the Worship Band, Frontline, or an ensemble.

We’re All About Kids!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..." - Matthew 19:14
In Pike Kids, we aim to teach and equip our children by presenting the Gospel in age-appropriate ways.
During Sunday and Wednesday services, the nursery is available for babies and toddlers ages birth to two years old. Preschool classes (for ages 3 and 4) and Kids classes (grades K thru 6th) are available during Sunday Service. Wednesday small groups for Preschool thru 6th grade engage children in a time of worship, fun, and learning.
During Sunday and Wednesday services, the nursery is available for babies and toddlers ages birth to two years old. Preschool classes (for ages 3 and 4) and Kids classes (grades K thru 6th) are available during Sunday Service. Wednesday small groups for Preschool thru 6th grade engage children in a time of worship, fun, and learning.

pIKE Youth
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Pike Youth exists to lead middle school, high school, college students, and young adults closer to Jesus and deeper into an understanding and application of God's Word.
Through weekly Bible study, worship, and small group time (as well as fun events throughout the year), our goal is to disciple students and show them what it truly means to love and follow Jesus Christ.
Through weekly Bible study, worship, and small group time (as well as fun events throughout the year), our goal is to disciple students and show them what it truly means to love and follow Jesus Christ.
We meet every Wednesday night in the Worshipnasium. Our Youth Cafe opens at 6:15PM to serve food to students before service.
small group & Bible Study - sundays at 9:30AM
We meet every Sunday morning in various locations by the Youth Cafe.
pIKE Young Adults
Growing Together
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed." - Ecclesiastes 4:9
We are here to help young adults deepen a lifelong relationship with Jesus.
Whether you’re pursuing a degree, embarking on a career, or praying about your future, take your next steps in community with others! Our hope is that young adults in all seasons of life would believe in Jesus, belong to family, become disciples, and help build God’s kingdom. Check out our events page for more information, including times and locations on upcoming small groups and activities.

We meet on the 1st Wednesday night of every month at 7PM. Connect to our events page to learn more about our upcoming midweek services.
DUNKIN & DEVOS - 1st sunday of the month at 9:30AM
We meet on the 1st Sunday of every month at Dunkin Donuts (4969 Princeton Rd) for a time of study and devotions before our 10:30 worship service.

pIKE ladies
We Are Stronger, United!
"When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours." - Romans 1:12
We believe that women, especially when united, are a powerful force that can impact our world. When we lay aside our differences and focus on the things that unite us, anything is possible with God.
There are many ways to get involved with Pike Ladies. So wherever you are in your walk with God, we have a place for you to plug in!
There are many ways to get involved with Pike Ladies. So wherever you are in your walk with God, we have a place for you to plug in!

Evangelism | Discipleship | Service
"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17
We seek God first. We’re here to help you discover your strengths as a husband, son, brother, father, businessman, leader, or friend. We recognize that every man has an innate desire to be part of something bigger than himself, develop lasting friendships, and grow closer to the Lord.
We want to empower you to impact your workplace, communities, and, most importantly, your families for the kingdom of God. Whether you’re a youth, college student, a new husband, a single parent, or enjoying the prime of your life, there’s a place for you.
We want to empower you to impact your workplace, communities, and, most importantly, your families for the kingdom of God. Whether you’re a youth, college student, a new husband, a single parent, or enjoying the prime of your life, there’s a place for you.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Pike Men meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month for a Fellowship Breakfast at 9AM in the Youth Café. We'd love for you to join us for a time of Food, Fun, and Fellowship!

Let's do good.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
Answering the call to spread the Gospel here at home and to the outermost parts of the world, the Missions Ministry serves to reach out to the lost. Pike Missions supports various local and international mission organizations as well as various outreaches within the City of Hamilton and state of Ohio.

We Are Here For You!
"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." – James 1:27
Our desire is to honor, protect, provide for, and minister to widows and widowers at our church. Pike Widows offers a safe and supportive environment where women who have lost their husbands can find comfort, encouragement, and hope.
If you are a widow, widower, or have a loved one who is, there are many ways to find support and build community right here at Princeton Pike. Throughout the year, we host luncheons where widows and widowers can connect and enjoy fellowship with each other.
Our goal is to minister to widows and widowers in their distress, support them on their paths to healing, and help them reach the destiny and purpose God has for them. If you have any questions, needs, or would like help getting connected in our community, fill out a contact form.
If you are a widow, widower, or have a loved one who is, there are many ways to find support and build community right here at Princeton Pike. Throughout the year, we host luncheons where widows and widowers can connect and enjoy fellowship with each other.
Our goal is to minister to widows and widowers in their distress, support them on their paths to healing, and help them reach the destiny and purpose God has for them. If you have any questions, needs, or would like help getting connected in our community, fill out a contact form.

pIKE senior adults
Young At Heart!
"I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along." - Isaiah 46:4
We would love for you to join the JOY (Just Older Youth) Group! If you are above the age of 55 and looking to have some fun, this ministry is for you!
Check out our events page for more information, including times and locations on upcoming luncheons, events, and activities.
We would love for you to join the JOY (Just Older Youth) Group! If you are above the age of 55 and looking to have some fun, this ministry is for you!
Check out our events page for more information, including times and locations on upcoming luncheons, events, and activities.

pIKE Prison Ministry
Hope And Restoration
‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ - Matthew 25:35-40
Pike Prison Ministry is committed to discipling the incarcerated. We have a small group of men and women who lead classes and volunteer during Prison Ministry services. If you’d like to learn more about serving, fill out our Volunteer Form.
Pike Prison Ministry is committed to discipling the incarcerated. We have a small group of men and women who lead classes and volunteer during Prison Ministry services. If you’d like to learn more about serving, fill out our Volunteer Form.