The Spiritual Conflict PT2

Aug 14, 2024    Tim Oldfield

Ephesians 6:14a, Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth…


            The Bible is clear about how God relates to truth (Psalm 31:5, John 14:6,

            John 14:17). It's God's desire for everyone to know the truth (I Timothy 2:4,          III John 4), however; the scriptures teach us that many are bankrupt in this    area (II Timothy 3:7). Because God, in His Word, puts such a premium on

   becomes imperative in the life of the believer (Proverbs 23:23).

            With an understanding of Biblical truth, we can observe where it fits into our

            lives concerning warfare. We are admonished to "put on" the belt of truth.


            A.          The Belt.

                        1.         Girded to Your Waist. [to fasten on one’s belt]

              B.       A Common Piece of Dress.

1.         Common. It was usually a six-inch belt that fastened around the middle made of either leather or linen. The people of the day would "gird up their loins" by tucking their robe into the belt, which would allow them the mobility to travel swiftly and unencumbered.

2.         Central. The belt was central to the held all the other pieces of armor in their proper place. Truth is at the very foundation of the Christian life.

II.        WHY IS IT USED?

            A.         Footing.

                        1.         The Race. Assuring that the Soldier Will Not Trip. Hebrews 12:1

             B.         Fighting.

1.         Weapons. Weapons were supported by the belt. The swordsman hung his sword from it; the bowman used it to support his quiver of arrows.

            C.         Features.

1.         Medals. A place where the soldier displayed his decorations/medals. If the soldier was decorated, he would have his medals pinned to his belt. When he encountered the enemy in battle...the enemy would see that the soldier was a distinguished fighter for the Roman Empire.


            A.         By Knowing the Truth.

                        1.         The Truth. Psalm 119:11

                                    a.         God's Word. John 17:17, Psalm 119:142, Psalm 119:151

                                    b.         God's Will. Psalm 51:6

                                    c.         God's Way. Psalm 100:5...I John 2:4

            B.         By Understanding the Truth.

                        1.         The Blessings of Truth.

                                    a.         It Saves Us. James 1:18

                                    b.         It Cleanses Us. John 17:17, I Peter 1:22

                                    c.         It Frees Us. John 8:32

                                    d.         It Leads Us. Psalm 25:5

                                    e.         It Protects Us. Psalm 91:4

                        2.         Satan and Lies.

                                    a.         Stranger To Truth. John 8:44, I John 1:6-8

                                    b.          Hindrance To Truth. Galatians 5:7

                                    c.          Disobedient To Truth. Galatians 3:1, II Timothy 4:4

            C.         By Living the Truth.

                        1.          Walking the Truth. Psalm 26:3

                        2.          Talking the Truth. Psalm 15:2 (Matthew 12:34), Ephesians 4:15



            The sword, an offensive part of our armor, hangs from the belt. You

            cannot use the sword, which is the Word of God, effectively unless the Word 

            of God is evident in your life. You will get tripped up...just as a soldier        without a girdle would trip on his own robe. You must put on this first piece 

of armor before you go into battle. Don't wait until the battle is raging around you to decide to get dressed.