i Must
Much isn’t known about the childhood of Jesus. We know of the accounts of his birth in Luke 2:1-40
Traveling approximately 70 miles of varying elevation from Nazareth to Bethlehem, they would arrive in time for His birth.
Vs. 4-7 – Travel to Bethlehem and Birth
Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. 6 So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
- Vs 8-14 – shepherds in the field and the Angel of the Lord (possibly Gabriel – Greek meaning is a messenger of God) shows up announcing His birth. A multitude of angels are suddenly (unexpectedly) revealed praising God!
- Vs 15-20
o The Shepherds make the decision to go find Him
o The shepherd come in, finding Him lying in the manger.
o The go telling everyone what they had heard from the Angel
o Everyone marvels, but Mary keeps these things in her heart.
o The shepherds returned to the manger glorifying and praising God.
- Vs 22-38
o Mary, Joseph, and Jesus travel 5-7 miles to Jerusalem to follow the Law of Purification and Circumcision (8 days after a child is born)
o Simeon – takes Jesus in his arms declaring, “my eyes have seen your salvation” He blessed Mary & Joseph.
o Prophetess Anna comes in thanking God and spoke of Jesus to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
- Vs 39-40
o Mary, Joseph and Jesus return to Nazareth (presumably after he was weaned)
o Jesus grew and became strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him.
Matthew 2:9-23
- The wise men depart from King Herod in Jerusalem and travel to Bethlehem. Finding Jesus in a house.
- Jesus is roughly 2 years old.
- They present Him with gifts…burial gifts (gold – money, frankincense & myrrh – burial spices)
- Joseph being warned by the Angel of the Lord in a dream, take Mary & Jesus to Egypt…fulfilling a prophecy Hosea 11:1b)
- In a dream Joseph was told to go back to Israel…going to Nazareth
Traditional Age Expectations
⁃ At age of 3 children would be learning book of Psalms.
⁃ At age 5 they start learning the book of Leviticus.
⁃ At age 10 they would have memorized the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).
⁃ At age 13 they would have learned the entire Old Testament.
⁃ At age 15 boys would study the oral law.
⁃ At age 18 ready for marriage
⁃ At age 20 they would pursue their vocation. Stone Mason - not woodworker since there was not a lot of woodworking in this area.
⁃ At 30 years old rabbis would begin their public ministry.
Luke 2:41-52
- It’s in this 12-verse passage, we find that Jesus is 12 years old, and in it he says the 12 most impactful words in one phrase…
- Every year Mary, Jospeh, and Jesus …along with all Jewish believers went to Jerusalem for Passover.
o 65-mile journey traveled with friends and those from their community in Nazareth.
o Had to arrive in order to do no work on the 1st of 7 days of celebration.
o 1st day of the celebration you slaughter your lamb/goat at twilight. (no other work can be done on 1st & 7th day)
- Vs 42 – “they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast.”
o Sometimes we caught up in the “according to the custom” of our days.
- Vs 43 – Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem… Joseph & Mary did not know it.
- Vs 44 – “but supposing Him to have been in the company, they went a day’s journey and sought Him among their relatives and acquaintances.”
o Sometimes we just “suppose” that everything is going as it should
o Mary & Joseph went a full day’s journey before they realized that lost the Son of God!!
- Vs 46 & 47 – “Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.”
o Jesus’ perspective
o Mary & Joseph’s Perspective
o Perspective of the Men & Leaders
- VS 48 – “So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.”
- VS 49 – “And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”
- Vs. 50 – “But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.”
o How many times up to know did Mary hide something away in her heart not fully understanding?
- Vs. 51 – “Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart.”
o Jesus went with them back to Nazareth.
o He submitted Himself to them.
- Vs. 52 – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
- We must live our life after the pattern of the words in Vs. 49, “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”
o Why do you…
o Why does your family …
o Why don’t you…
o Why won’t you…
o How come you…
o After all I’ve said and done to you, how can you…
- This can’t just be something we say as a cool tag line; we must live it!
- We’ve got to catch the “iMust spirit.”