The Foundational Principles of Christ PT8

Jul 31, 2024    Tim Oldfield

“Eternal Judgment”

Hebrews 6:1-2


            As we come to the last of the foundational principles that are listed, once

            again, we must realize the importance of understanding the subject.  The

            final principle is a very serious and sober reality...let’s consider eternal



 A.   Eternal Judgment.

                        1.  Eternal Judgment. Eternal = Perpetual, eternal, forever, everlasting

      Judgment = Decision against crime, avenge, condemnation,  


2.  Eternal Principle. The principle here is the reality that if Christ is not  

     received into an individual’s life...that person will be condemned

     forever in a Christ-less eternity.


            A.   His Character.

                        1.  His Mercy. Isaiah 30:18, Jeremiah 4:2

              B.   His Righteousness.

                        1.  His Righteousness. Psalm 89:14, Romans 2:5-11

     (II Thessalonians 1:8-10)

             C.   His Judgment.

                        1.  Eternal Truth. Hebrews 9:27, Psalm 1:5-6


            A.   Eternal Judgment.

1.  This foundational principle speaks of eternal judgment, eternal

     condemnation and damnation, and an eternal decision against crime. 

     John 3:16-20

             B.   Eternal Life.

                        1.  His Gift. Romans 5:16-20, Romans 8:1-2

            C.   Eternal Motivation.

                        1.  We must ever be aware of His eternal judgment as we deal with

     people in our lives. It will make us fervent to reach the

     unreached...remember, the Bible teaches that hell is a reality. 

     (Luke 16)

                        2.  We must allow this principle to positively affect our conduct as we

     relate to others.

                                    a.  Relate in Mercy. Matthew 7:1-5, Romans 2:1-3

                                    b.  Reach in Mercy. John 4:35-36, Proverbs 11:30, Luke 19:10


            Eternal judgment is a Biblical reality that must be received and believed

            by every believer.