The Committed Life PT5

Dec 4, 2024    Pastor Tim Oldfield

The Committed Life (5)

“Continuing Steadfastly…In Prayer”

Acts 2:42

Acts 2:42, And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.


The Bible revealed that the early church “continued steadfastly” in doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. 

Continued Steadfastly = To be earnest toward, persevere, be constantly diligent, to attend assiduously all the exercises, attend or give self…continually.

The first item on the list was doctrine (instruction, what has been taught). The second target of commitment was fellowship…or koinonia. (The share one has in a joint venture or relationship. Partnership, participation, social intercourse, communicate, communion, contribution.)  The third mention was a reference to the covenant meal… “breaking of bread.”  They were constantly diligent in maintaining and remembering the holy covenant relationship they had with God, through Christ. This was the significance, in the New Testament, of the communion meal.

The final thing mentioned in Acts 2:42 was prayers. That early group of believers gave themselves in commitment to praying. The word used here literally means…to pray earnestly, prayer (worship) [James 5:16]. In a day of extreme pressure, persecution, and demonic attack…they prayed with commitment! We must do the same. (Luke 18:1, Matthew 21:13, Matthew 7:7-11, John 16:24,  John 15:7, Mark 11:24…I John 5:14-15) Understanding Colossians 4:12, let’s consider their commitment to prayer…


             A.  Committed to Prayer.

1.  As a Mode of Life. Acts 16:13, Acts 10:2

2.  For a Move of God.

a.  For Yourself. Acts 1:14, Acts 1:24, Acts 10:9, Acts 11:5

b.  Beyond Yourself. Acts 9:11, Acts 12:12 

i)  It Matters. Ezekiel 9:3-4, Isaiah 59:16  

c.  For Ministry. Acts 6:4, Acts 6:6, Acts 13:3, Colossians 4:3-4 


   A.  They Prayed in Pain.

1.  In Sorrow. Acts 20:36 

2.  In Stoning. Acts 7:60

3.  In Struggle. Acts 16:16 

4.  In Stocks. Acts 16:25, Acts 12:5, Acts 12:12 

   B.  They Prayed in Power.

1.  Holy Outpourings.

a.  Empowering. Acts 4:31 

b.  Infilling. Acts 8:14-15, Acts 9:17-18, Acts 10:30-31  

c.  Healings. Acts 3:1, Acts 5:15-16, Acts 9:40, Acts 28:8,

     James 5:13-16

            C.  They Prayed in Praise.

1.  Praising. Acts 4:23-24, Acts 16:25  


              A.  Seeking.

1.  That Men Would Seek Him. Acts 17:26-28, Proverbs 8:17,

     Deuteronomy 4:29 


Let us continue steadfastly…in doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer! Let’s experience God at that level of commitment.