Summations From the Life of Samson

Oct 16, 2024    Pastor Chris Quinn

Summations from the Life of Samson

Judges 13:1

Again the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines for forty years.


During the period of time after the Israelites had moved into the promised land, they went through several cycles doing what “was right in their own eyes.” For a continued duration of approximately 410 years the Israelites went through 7 cycles of 5 steps: sin, servitude, supplication, salvation, and silence. The last one bringing us to the life of Samson.   

Announcement (Judges 13:2-3)

Now there was a certain man from Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren and had no children. 3 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, “Indeed now, you are barren and have borne no children, but you shall conceive and bear a son. 

Conditions (Judges 13:4-5)


-       Do not drink wine or similar drink

-       Do not eat anything unclean  


-       No razor shall come upon his head

-       He will be a Nazirite to God from the womb – no ending time limit

Summation #1 – Seek the Lord and obey!

-       Come to us again and teach us what we shall do.

-       What are the rules for the boy’s life? 

-       What about his work?

Summation #2 – Culture vs. Obedience.

-       Samson’s first bride choice was a daughter of the Philistines.

-       Samson tears a lion apart with only his hands…doesn’t tell his parents.

Summation #3 – Don’t mess around with sin!

-       Samson touched the dead lion’s body…kept it a secret.

-       Samson ate honey from the carcass and shared with his parents…kept it a secret.

-       Samson created a riddle at the wedding party to gloat about it.

-       Samson slept with a prostitute.

Summation #4 – Anger can overtake you!

-       Samson killed 30 men and took their clothes.

-       Samson caught 300 foxes, tied them tail to tail, and attached torches, lit the torches, and burned all the crops (grain, vineyards, and olive groves).

-       Killed a bunch of Philistines after they burned his wife and her family.

-       Grabbed a jawbone of a donkey and killed 1,000 men.

Summation #5 – Steward your anointing!

-       Samson’s first wife was attached to the enemy

-       Delilah took payoffs for his capture…his strength & his eyes.

-       Samson toyed with Delilah about his source of strength.

Summation #6 – GOD will always get the victory!

-       Samson killed 3,000+ Philistines in dying…more than in his living.