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The Domino Effect
The Domino Effect…Grasping the Power of our Decisions
It is estimated that on average, adults make between 33,000 and 35,000 decisions every day. The number of decisions a person makes can vary depending on their level of responsibility. Cornell University researchers estimate that people make 226.7 decisions every day just about food.
The decisions we make can range from micro (what socks to wear) to mundane (what to eat) to life-changing (taking a job). Each decision has a different level of pressure associated with it. We see in Scripture that many times decisions were made in a moment with little thought as to the impact those decisions would have in the long run.
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
Trust – to confide in, to set one’s hope and confidence upon.
With all / In all – the whole of, everything, totality.
Your Heart – inner part, soul, mind, knowledge, thinking, reflection, resolution, determination,
seat of emotions.
Lean not – trust in , support one’s self, rely, rest.
Your own understanding – knowledge, wisdom, meaning
Your ways – journey, path, direction, manner, habit, course of life.
Acknowledge Him – to know, perceive, discern, distinguish, admit, confess, be acquainted with,
Direct – to make right, to make straight, lead, approve
Your paths – way of living, passing of life, road, rank.
Abram & Sarai
- Egypt (Genesis 12:10-20)
- Hagar (Genesis 16:1-5)
- Abimelech (Genesis 20)
Jacob & Esau
- Esau sells his birthright (Genesis 25:29-33)
- Jacob steals his blessing (Genesis 27)
Nation of Israel
- Exodus 34:12 - “Be very careful never to make a treaty with the people who live in the land where you are going. If you do, you will follow their evil ways and be trapped.”
- People of Gibeon – Joshua made peace treaty, guaranteeing their safety.
Finding Isaac a Wife (Genesis 24:12-)
- Servant prayed for God’s help
- God sent Rebekah
Daniel – refused to stop seeking God even when his life was threatened.
3 Hebrew Boys – refused to bow down even when their lives were threatened.
Ruth & Orpah
- Ruth refused to leave Naomi…where you go, where you lodge, your people, your God, where you die. Became the great-grandmother of David
- Orpah went back to her people. Became the grandmother of 5 giants…including Goliath.
Making decisions repeatedly can lead to decision fatigue, which is the impaired ability to make decisions and control behavior. Decision fatigue can make it feel overwhelming to face decisions, regardless of their size. So what must we do? How can we manage without fatigue?
Serve “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other…” (Matthew 6:24)
Seek “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)